01 628 2691

School Plan


Our programme for learning follows the principles of the Primary School Curriculum, 1999, Department of Education and Science, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Further information on children’s learning for parents can be found at ‘The What, Why, When and Where of Childrens’ Learning in Primary School’ ( www.ncca.ie).

Our school plan is a statement of the educational philosophy of our school, its aims and how it proposes to achieve them. It outlines both curriculum objectives and methodologies and the organisation of the school’s resources, including staff, space, facilities, equipment, time and finance. Our plan covers two main sections, namely curricular and organisational planning. The first outlines the curriculum to be implemented in the school. The second describes a range of policies and practices which largely have to do with the administrative aspects of school life.

Formulation of our school plan is an on-going process and the plan itself is a working document with expert input from teachers, parents, pupils, outside professionals and agencies. It requires regular updating and review in line with DES initiatives and circulars. An example of this is the introduction of the new Primary Language Curriculum and the new Primary Maths Curriculum.

Curricular Planning Includes:

  • An individual plan for each subject area taught. The plans can be accessed here.

Organisational Planning Includes:

  • A range of policies on different organisational and procedural aspects of school administration, e.g. Child Protection, Code of Behaviour, School Admissions policy, Anti- Bullying, etc.
  • For a comprehensive list of St. Thomas' JNS policies see here.
06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.