01 628 2691


Newsletter 11th of March

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Google Translate

Google translate has been added to our website. This means that the content on our website can be read in many different languages and is accessible to many families in our school community.

Health and Safety in the school yard

As has been school practice for years, no bikes or dogs are allowed on the school yard. The presence of bikes and dogs are a health and safety risk to the children exiting the school building at home time. Scooters can be carried in to and out of the yard. There is bike parking stand at the front of the school which you are welcome to use. Many thanks for your co-operation to ensure the yard is a safe space for all members of the school community at home time.

Covid 19

There has been two cases of Covid-19 in our school this week. Health and safety are paramount in our school. If your child is sick, please do not send him/her to school. Please inform me at t.moynihan@stthomasjns.com of any positive Covid-19 cases in your family of which you wish to inform the school. Where the school is notified of a positive Covid-19 case in school, the Public Health Department of the HSE will be contacted. A risk assessment will be undertaken. Action will be taken following advice from the HSE. Where there is a delay in advice from the HSE the Board of Management will act in a precautionary manner and inform pupils and adults of action to be taken.

I would like to emphasise that the school is a controlled environment. There are control measures in place to combat the introduction or spread of COVID-19. We operate in accordance with the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre guidelines for children older than 3 months and up to 13 years of age which are available here. I ask you to please read this document and make yourself familiar with each situation.

We would remind all members of the school community of the dangers of spreading this virus through congregation of groups of people and we would ask that you would be mindful of the following when dropping off and collecting children:

  • Remember that one adult is asked to drop off and collect children at the appropriate times.
  • Please do not congregate on the school grounds, wear a mask/face covering, adhere to social distancing and drop and go in the mornings.
  • While parents/guardians can enter the yard to pick up their child in the afternoon, please continue to stand back at a safe distance behind the yellow line.
  • At collection time, please be mindful that classes may be doing PE or outdoor activities with their teachers on the school grounds. We ask that parents do not allow younger siblings/children to interrupt the classes and that they are supervised carefully.

I would like to thank you and your family for your continued adherence to the public health safety guidelines and for helping us all to curb the spread of the virus.

Spare Clothes

We ask that each child has a spare set of clothes in their bag in a case of an accident during school time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours faithfully,

Teresa Moynihan

06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.