01 628 2691

Ms. Carragher's Class are working hard!

Ms. Carragher's Class are working hard!

Adam has made a fantastic model of the Titanic - the painting is super, especailly of the four funnels.

Alesia answered the questions based on the story I read called 'The Ten Little Lights' - super handwriting Alesia, well done.

Alice Mitchell did a brilliant drawing of the water cycle - lovely colouring too Alice.

Amelie wrote some brilliant sentences using the 'ew' sound - I especially loved your use of the word 'Phew', good job!

Eduard has been working so hard at home and here are his super answers based on the Titanic reading comprehension.

Gavin wrote brilliant sentences using the 'ee' sound. I especially love his drawing using all the different 'ee' words.

Harry has been working very hard and did super Irish work in his Bua na Cainte book.

Ilaria has been doing amazing Maths work and has worked hard at her fractions this week

Mia answered questions based on the reading comprehension 'The Gingerbread Man' and they are very well written - well done Mia!

Markas has been doing so much super work at home too and he has been working very hard at his Irish as well - good job Markas.

Michael has also done a fantastic model of the Titanic - super job Michael it looks great!


Kevin has been working very hard at home as well and has written some brillaint sentences with the 'oo' sound.

06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

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