01 628 2691



SNA Staff Cuts:

We were informed yesterday, in advance of a whole school review that our SNA staffing for the coming year will be cut by 30%, with the loss of 3 SNA postsalso 2 full time posts have been reduced to part time hours This will have a devastating impact on our capacity to provide appropriately and safely for the care needs of all our pupils with associated care needs, and the consequent impact on the whole school population. We have a broadly equivalent number of pupils with identified care needs arriving in school next year to replace those leaving, and in our opinion these cuts are totally unwarranted and unjustified. We have subsequently lodged a whole school appeal and a number of parents have lodged individual appeals.

We are asking all parents to contact our newly elected local councillors and raise this matter at the highest level.

Vicki Casserly – vcasserly@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie Paul Gogarty – pgogarty@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie

Ed O’Brien – edobrien@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie Liona O’Toole – lotoole@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie

Joanna Tuffy –jtuffy@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie

Child Safeguarding: Parents helping out with sports day this year are asked to read our updated Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment policy and sign an ‘Acceptance Form’ consenting to comply with this policy in full. Copies of both the policy and the Acceptance form will be available through your child’s teacher or to read on our website under school polices.

Sports Day: Sports Day takes place on Tuesday 18th Juneweather permitting. If you are available to help on this day please give your name to the class teacher or the office. Call directly to the staffroom on Tuesday morning where you will be designated an activity to assist with. Parents are welcome to come and watch their child sample 7 sports activities. Please ensure your child wears their tracksuit and runners on the day. Classes will move from one supervised activity to another around the school building in the course of the day.

New Junior Infants (Sept 2019) Familiarisation week (Mon. 10th –Fri. 14th June)

If you missed your day this week to meet your child’s teacher please contact the office as soon as possible. Today 13th June (R.4 – Ms. Mason / tomorrow R. 5 Ms. Walshe)

Sponsored Walk: We had a great turn out last Saturday. Thank you to the Parents Association for organising a great fun day at the school after our walk. Thank you to everyone who returned sponsored cards. Outstanding cards and money from our walk should be sent in byMonday 17th June.

Annual Helpers Night: This will take place on Wednesday 19th June @ 7.30pm

All parents who 1) helped out during the year, along with: 2) all members of our hard working Parents Association, are invited to attend for what promises to be an enjoyable social occasion.

If you did not receive an individual invitation but fall under either 1) or 2) above please come along for what promises to be an enjoyable evening.

School Reports: Please ensure we have the correct address for all pupils as school reports, and book bills will be posted home tomorrow Friday 14th June.

Camp Esker 2019: There are a small number of places remaining for our summer camp please drop your application into the office as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely


Michael Maher


06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.