01 628 2691



Grandparents Day (2nd Classes): Well done to the huge number of grandparents who turned up today Thursday for our Annual Grandparents Day. ! Their wisdom and experience was shared among all our 2nd classes who were fascinated by tales of school long ago and in turn were able to show what 2nd class learning is like in 2019.

A big thank you to the staff of the school and members of our Parents Association who helped out on the day, serving tea and cleaning up afterwards. Also thank you to Karen Coghlan for supplying all the lovely buns.

Reminder Second Class Parents: There is an important meeting in St. Patrick’s Church Esker tonightThursday 3rdOctober at 7pm for parents of children receiving the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion. Also there are a number of Enrolment Forms for the Sacraments which were sent home last week still not returned please fill in and return to class teacher as soon as possible.

ABI Programme: The Parent’s Association will facilitate a talk on 15th October in the school hall from 7-8pm. The ABI programme is an anti-bullying programme and will be taught to first/second class pupils. The evening talk will focus on bullying cycles, how to recognise if your child is using bullying behaviours and what to do if you feel your child is being bullied.

Health and Safety: If your child is bringing a scooter or a bicycle to school they must park them at the bike racks at the front of the school. Bicycles and scooters are not permitted on the yards. Please also be reminded to stand behind the yellow lines to allow safe travel of pupils into and out of the school both in the mornings and afternoons.

No smoking/vaping: A reminder to all parents/guardians that smoking or vaping is not permitted on the premises. The school premises is a no smoking/vaping zone.

School Health Screening Service: The HSE has informed us that the nurse will be in to test hearing in junior infants from October 22nd-24th. If you have not already returned the blue form to the class teacher please do so.

Lucan Dyspraxia DCD Support Group: Information talk for parents in Adamstown

Youth & Community Centre at 7.30pm on the 8th October 2019.

Cost is €5 per family (towards hall rental).

Yours sincerely

Lorraine Murray

Acting Principal

06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.