01 628 2691



Dear parents/guardians,

Hope you are all safe and well. Thanks to all the children who have sent in lovely work to their teachers , a sample of which we will display on the website every week. We are aware that many of our second classes would be normally looking forward to their First Communion day at this time and Fr. John will be hosting a special online Mass for all our Communicants on Sunday 24th of May@10.30am. More details next week .

The Middletown Centre for Autism are running a series of free webinars which may be of interest to some parents and educators. If you wish to register please use the following link. Places are limited mostly to 500 persons https://www.facebook.com/centreforautism/. Their website also has some additional resources to support parents and children during this challenging time.

For anyone running out of ideas for home schooling there are some lovely simple healthy activities on https://www.fooddudes.ie/food-dudes-fun-at-home/

Túsla have also put up some lovely activities https://www.tusla.ie/services/family-community-support/prevention-partnership-and-family-support-programme/participation/10-things-to-do-today/ for families to participate in.

Thanks to the parents who returned the feedback survey on home schooling last week. Some parents had difficulty with completing and returning it, especially if you were using a phone or tablet. We value your feedback, so the survey is now available on the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FBF92RS , which should be compatible with different devices.

As we await a roadmap for re-opening our schools safely, please keep up the contact with your child’s teacher, when you can, and follow the weekly work plans as best you can.. School phone will be manned on Wednesday and Friday next week between 10 am and 2 pm for any essential queries.

Thanks for your ongoing co-operation,

Michael Maher.

06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.