01 628 2691



We would like to welcome backall our pupils to St. Thomas’ J.N.S. and hope that all the parents and children had a fun and relaxing summer. We would like to extend a very special welcome to all of our new Junior Infants who are settling in very well. We continue to encourage parents to allow their children to walk in by themselves with their line in the mornings. Parents should stand behind the yellow lines so that the children and teachers can walk safely to their classroom. Please be especially mindful of buggies and prams for health and safety reasons.

Junior Infants:Collection: From Thursday 5th September the Junior Infants will walk out to their line on junior yard at home time. Parents should stand behind the yellow line at the end of the class lines. The children will indicate one by one to their teacher that they see their parent/guardian and will then walk to them one at a time. This training period is very important for the pupils so we would appreciate your co-operation and patience.

Junior Infant times:

We will continue to gradually settle the Junior Infants in with staggered times.

Monday 9th to Friday 13th: 9:00-12pm

Monday 16th onwards: 9:00-1:40 (FULL DAY)

Senior infants to Second class: Well done to parents and pupils with the line-up this week and please continue to stand at the back of the line/behind the cones, to allow children walk in/out safely with teacher. Try and have your child standing ‘in the line for five to nine’. At this stage children will be walking in, in two lines, so please refrain from ‘high fiving’ and waiting at the door to see them in! Thank you.

School Books/Fees:There are still a very small number of pupils without some of their school books. These may be purchased from Maynooth Bookshop, Easons or schoolbooks.ie. We would appreciate if these books could be purchased as soon as possible, and all school fees (€95) settled by Friday 13th.

St. Thomas’ J.N.S. Parents Association: Our A.G.M. takes place on Wedns. 18th September in the senior hall at 8pm. All parents are very welcome. We would encourage as many parents as possible to attend and it is a great opportunity for you to become involved in shaping the fundraising events for the school year along with meeting new parents/friends. A short meeting will be held afterwards, at which we elect our officers for the coming year, and plan an exciting year ahead! Wine and cheese reception will follow.

Pupil Insurance Scheme: Application forms will go out to all parents in the coming weeks.

Junior Infant photos: will be taken by County Photos on 24th September. Please ensure that your child wears their school uniform and not their tracksuit on this day. If you require sibling photos please inform class teacher in advance.

Deputy Principal: Ms. Lorraine Murray has been appointed the new Deputy Principal in the school. We wish her all the best on her new appointment.

Yours sincerely

Lorraine Murray

Acting Principal

06 2024
Mid-term Break
28 2024
School Closure at 11.50 (infants) and 12.00 (1st/2nd)

01 628 2691

© 2024 St. Thomas' J.N.S.